Lavender Dreams is a magical perfume that takes you to meadows of tranquil beauty. This design, with its rich arrangement of purple carnations inter...
Lavender Dreams is a magical perfume that takes you to meadows of tranquil beauty. This design, with its rich arrangement of purple carnations interlaced with delicate lavender sprigs, is the ideal balance of color and texture. The arrangement is wrapped in delicate, pastel-colored paper, exuding beauty and grace. Lavender Dreams is intended to inspire and uplift, making it ideal for occasions requiring a touch of refinement.
*Arrangement illustrated is our "Classic" size.
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Lavender Dreams is a magical perfume that takes you to meadows of tranquil beauty. This design, with its rich arrangement of purple carnations interlaced with delicate lavender sprigs, is the ideal balance of color and texture. The arrangement is wrapped in delicate, pastel-colored paper, exuding beauty and grace. Lavender Dreams is intended to inspire and uplift, making it ideal for occasions requiring a touch of refinement.
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